

Yukari Miyake recently (As of July 13. 2020)

   In my earlier article written in English, I introduced Yukari Miyake's poem uploaded on to her Instagram and my poor traslation, too (^^;


   Then I mentioned that it somehow looks like lylics rather than a poem and I have a feeling that there might be a song with this poem as the lyrics. Of course I was not sure but if so I felt many of her fan would be very happy.

   Around two weeks later, a short movie was uploaded on to the site. I first thought "It might be that" but it turned to be false. False, however so fascinating!

   It was "Tonight" by Yukari Miyake accompanied by "Airmen three" the trio band organized with musicians from the Central Band of JASDF (Air Force).


   Yukari Miyake in this video looks like enjoying singing freely from every constraint she might have accepted for long and that makes us feel happy.  She, I suppose, is trying to change herself from what she have been looked to what she really is. And now it might be very important for her.

   And yesterday, the latest video was uploaded on to her instagram. It is titled "The Wings of my own". Yes, it's the song by Yukari Miyake with the poem as lylics.
What I expected was realized! Guess how excited I was!

   The song is beautiful balad accompanied just by an Acoustic Guitar. Why don't you listen to it now!


   Her soft and clear voice sounds like gently encourage those who are suffering from difficulties and yet trying to make steps forward. At the same time, this song makes me predict that her activities in the new field is about to begin from now on.